Sunday 3 June 2012

Report: Ten members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard die mysteriously

According to report by Intelligence Online, the lack of reporting on the deaths has led observers to question whether the deaths were result of internal struggle over Iran’s underground economy,
Iran Revolutionary Guard

Ten officers in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard have died mysteriously over the past two months, although only two of the deaths have been publicly reported, according to a report by Intelligence Online, a monthly French online journal.

According to the report, the two reported deaths were of Gholan Reza Qasemi, a former commander of the 92nd armored division, and General Mohamed Ali Moussavi, head of a commando regiment in the town of Ahvaz.

Moreover, the report describes the recent death of General Ahmed Mansouri, allegedly due to a heart attack. Mansouri was one of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s representatives in the Revolutionary Guard command structure. Two colonels, Nadjaf Ali Khirahalli and Nassif Pour, were recently killed in car accidents. Unlike previous instances, Khamenei did not issue any public report on the deaths of the officers.

According to the journal, the lack of reporting on the deaths has led observers to speculate over whether the deaths were a result of an internal struggle over Iran’s underground economy, which has traditionally been run by the Revolutionary Guard.

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