Friday 22 June 2012

How UK Armed Forces Veterans are treated by the UK Government

'It's disgusting': Anger as MoD lands veterans with £700,000 bill for ceremony to unveil Bomber Command Memorial

Bomber Command charity has raised £6.5m for monument in London's Green Park

But government won't stump up remaining funds to stage ceremony on Thursday

War veterans face paying up to £700,000 out of their own pockets to unveil the Bomber Command Memorial because the Government is refusing to stump up the cash.

The pensioners, who are trustees of the Bomber Command Association, will be personally liable for the cost of staging the event if they fail to raise the money through donations.

'Disgusting': The RAF Bomber Command Memorial under construction in Green park. War veterans have been told they face a £700,000 bill for staging its official opening after the MoD sais it would not cover the costs

'Disgusting': The RAF Bomber Command Memorial under construction in Green park. War veterans have been told they face a £700,000 bill for staging its official opening after the MoD sais it would not cover the costs

However they still have to find £700,000 to provide seating and security for the event on Thursday, which will be attended by ten members of the Royal Family including the Queen.

The monument, in London’s Green Park, will commemorate the 55,573 Bomber Command airmen who died in the Second World War.

It has already proved controversial after it emerged that more than 100 veterans could miss out on the unveiling because of a lack of space.

Earlier this month, David Cameron gave the trustees hope when he told MPs the Government had ‘the ability to intervene’ if funds were not raised in time.
But now the trustees, who include four Bomber Command veterans, have been told the Ministry of Defence will not help.

Jim Dooley, chairman of the memorial’s fund-raising committee, said the veterans were still £500,000 short.

‘The MoD response to this has been disgusting,’ he said. ‘The unveiling has become a state occasion, yet we are getting no help from the state.’

Trustee and veteran Harry Irons, 88, from Romford, Essex, said: ‘If we can’t get the £500,000 I will probably lose my house. I haven’t got much else.’

The memorial was built with private donations, but the bill for its unveiling has risen because the 6,500 widows and veterans face security checks before they can enter Green Park.

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport said it would ‘make a contribution’ but would not say how much.

The MoD said it was not allowed to give to charities, despite records showing it has donated to 28 charitable bodies in the past five years.

A Government spokesman said: 'The Government does not usually support opening ceremonies for public memorials.

'However, given the unique circumstances of the Bomber Command Memorial, an exception has been made in this case.

'The Government will make a contribution towards the opening ceremony to help cover the additional costs of seating and security for the many veterans wish to see the unveiling of this important memorial.

'This is in addition to £1million that the Government has already contributed towards the VAT costs of the construction of the memorial.'

Andrew Robathan, Minister for Defence Personnel, Welfare and Veterans, said: 'The MoD has worked very closely with the excellent people of the Bomber Command Association to ensure a successful unveiling of the memorial.

'We are delighted that a significant number of RAF personnel will be involved in the event, providing a flypast by five Tornado aircraft and a Lancaster Bomber from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight; ceremonial elements by The Queens’ Colour Squadron, University Air Squadrons and the Central Band of the RAF; along with ushers, hosts and catering services.'

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