Wednesday 4 July 2012

UK MoD confirms Olympic missile plans

Rapier and Starstreak surface-to-air missiles are to be deployed at sites around London in order to defend the Olympic Games from an airborne terrorist attack, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed.

While there are said to be no specific threats against the games, Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said that the public expected strong safety and security measures throughout the event.

"Ground-based air defence systems (GBADS) will form just one part of a comprehensive, multi-layered air security plan which, I believe, will provide both reassurance and a powerful deterrent," said Hammond.

The MoD has confirmed that the Lexington Building, in Bow and Fred Wigg Tower in Waltham Forest will host the Starstreak High Velocity Missile system, while the larger Rapier missiles will be based at Blackheath Common, William Girling Reservoir, Shooters Hill and Barn Hill.

Residents of the Fred Wigg Tower last week launched a legal challenge against the government's decision to site the missiles in a residential area, but Hammond said the government was confident of defeating the action.

"We have undertaken a wide programme of engagement with the communities affected, involving relevant local authorities, landowners, MPs, Council Leaders, and community meetings," he said. "These have shown that, while people understandably have questions and concerns which we have sought to answer, broadly speaking communities are supportive of our work.

"A small number of activists object to the deployment of these defensive measures and a legal challenge to the government's decision to deploy GBAD has been initiated. The MoD will defend these proceedings vigorously and is confident of defeating them."

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