Sunday 3 June 2012

Operation Black Buck

Black Buck Six

Black Buck Six was the sixth of the Black Buck missions carried out by an RAF Vulcan bomber, supported by Victor tankers during the Falklands War.

Black Buck Six took place on June 3rd, 1982. As with Black Buck Four and Black Buck Five, during this mission, the Vulcan was equipped with four AGM-45A Shrike missiles that had been hastily fitted to the aircraft using improvised underwing pylons. Three of the missiles were used to attack Argentine anti-aircraft radars on the Falkland Islands, and in this mission caused damaged to an Argentine Skyguard fire-control radar.

During this mission, the Vulcan piloted by Squadron Leader Neil McDougall, sustained damage to its air refuelling probe. Unable to return to Ascension Island, the aircraft was forced to divert and land at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Brazilians impounded the aircraft until June 10th, protested to Britain about the violation of their neutrality, and confiscated a remaining Shrike missile which had not been used during the mission

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