Thursday 21 June 2012

Suit aims to block wharf at Bangor submarine base

TACOMA, Wash.  — Two anti-nuclear groups filed a lawsuit Tuesday in an attempt to block construction of a $715 million munitions wharf at the Navy's submarine base on Hood Canal at Bangor.

The suit says the Navy failed to conduct proper environmental reviews or to consider viable alternatives.

The Seattle Times reports the suit was filed in federal court in Tacoma by Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, of Poulsbo, and Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, of Seattle.

The Navy has said the existing 1970s-era wharf at Bangor lacks capacity to handle upgrades for ballistic missiles carried aboard the base's eight Trident nuclear submarines.

A spokeswoman at Bangor, Leslie Yuenger, said the Navy does not comment on on-going litigation.

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