Saturday 23 June 2012

Putin’s Lapdog and Support of Syrian State Murder Lavrov: “ Russia Has No Intention to Justify to US its Military Cooperation with Syria”

Syrian Media:  Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he has no intention to justify Russia's technical military cooperation with Syria to the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during his meeting with her in an indication to the Syrian helicopters that had been repaired in Russia.

In an interview with Russia 24 TV Channel on Friday, Lavrov said he do not intend to raise this issue with Clinton, adding that " if she is concerned with this issue I would say that we do not intend to apologize.

" One can't accuse Russia of sending arms to Syria, because we are not violating any international agreements, any UN Security Council resolutions or our laws regarding export control which are the strictest laws in the world,” Lavrov said.

He added that Russia exports arms to Syria according to non-secret contracts stipulating for Damascus to purchase the Russian defensive weapons including air defense systems which "can only be used to repel foreign aggression, and not against peaceful demonstrators, "

On the Russian helicopters sent to Syria, Lavrov indicated that the convention of repairing Soviet-made helicopters was signed between Russia and Syria in 2008.

" The helicopters were sold to Syria in the days of the Soviet Union and had been sent back to Russia for repairs," the Minister said.

" The refurbished helicopters were sent back to Syria, " Lavrov added. He stressed that only the Syrian people could decide the country's fortune, including the destiny of their leaders."

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