Saturday 26 May 2012

Ukraine to Spend UAH 1 Mln for Lifting 107-Year Old Submarine

A submarine of Russian Imperial Navy lying at the depth of 76 meters near Cape Fiolent (Sevastopol, Ukraine) will be lifted soon. As is planned, the sub is to be turned into museum.

Submarine Skat was built in 1905. She was responsible for protection of Sevastopol and was sunken in 1919 as overaged asset, writes Segodnya. Since the sub is in good condition, it was decided to use her as a museum. "There were several variants to memorialize the sub's crew, and we've settle upon this one", said Sergei Voronov, Institute of Archeology, Ukrainian Academy of Science.

"We asked Russia's Black Sea Fleet for assistance, since they have appropriate salvage vessels to lift the sub. She is almost safe; armament, munitions, and crew's personal property remained in good condition", he added. "There is a project under consideration of Ukrainian president. Now we're waiting when all technical issues are settled, and, hopefully, in March the work would start. This will need about one million grivnas [Ukrainian currency]. We plan to set the museum submarine in Balaklava, near Sevastopol", Voronov said.

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