Wednesday 30 May 2012

'Our differences are with the British government, not its people,' President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

'Our differences are with the British government, not its people,' President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. (How dumb can a person get, The British People supports the Governments stance on the Falklands - They will ALWAYS be British)

While celebrating the awarding of 250,000 start-up microcredits at the Government House, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner praised the appointment of British citizen Guy Rider as the head of the International Labour Organization.

“For the first time in history, the president of the ILO is a worker,” she said.

“I say this so you can see that our differences are only with the British government because they do not respect the United Nations. When it comes to the British people and workers, everything is fine with them,” she said in reference to the current Malvinas sovereignty claim that has both nations at odds.

During the ceremony, the Head of State did not mention the current controversy surrounding the dollar and chose to vindicate her Government model by assuring that “we’re now living in an Argentina that is fairer than the one we had back in 2003, although we know that there’s still a lot more to be done.”

“We know what we did and what we must still do. A lot of people focus on what still needs to be done, but no one focuses on knowing how to do it or doing it,” she said.

Fernández de Kirchner celebrated the awarding of the 250,000 microcredits to small investors and assured that “this model, so heterogeneous and horrendous to some, keeps creating jobs and hope. Something a society should never lose,” she stated.

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