
Sunday 27 May 2012

Falklands War - May 27th 1982 War Diary of Crew member of HMS Yarmouth

27th May

1042 Action stations
1110 Air yellow
1424 Air red
1429 456 landed ashore
1545 Air yellow
1611 Air red, possible contacts 14 miles - 140°
1620 Air yellow
1653 Air red, two aircraft closing from the East, Piecrust
1656 Air yellow
1658 CAP report engaging two aircraft Mirages, air red
1704 Air yellow
1707 1 CAP shot down and 1 damaged
1713 Pilot ejected over Goose Green
1721 Weapons tight
1933 Aircraft, Aircraft 2 Skyhawk’s
1934 Assessed attacking Brigade HQ, all guns engaging YARMOUTH hit both aircraft, both left trailing smoke
1934 12 bombs dropped at Ajax Bay killing 6 and wounding twenty seven
1936 Assessed attacking Brigade HQ
1937 Assessed to have dropped ‘Parachute’ bombs
1940 Another raid coming in (from Rapiers)
1956 ARROW reports that a Skyhawk splashed, brought down by 40mm fire from FEARLESS and INTREPID aircraft from Grupo 5, pilot Lieutenant Velasco
2005 Air yellow
2013 Aircraft closing fast, Round Table Skyhawk’s 270° gone low, no CAP at present
2015 Aircraft high 5 miles fuze 4.5 high, not CAP
2017 Flash hostile 230° now closing 25 miles
2020 Bootlace 170° Mirage closing from EWO
2022 Assessed hostiles 185° - 10 miles
2029 From ashore two hostiles closing from the West
San Carlos Water2030 Low bogies 220° - 8 miles from ARGONAUT
2032 Bootlace 220° 1 sweep only + 1 sweep 290° from EWO
2033 Low bogies 225°
2045 Air yellow
2048 Air red low bogies 202° from ARROW
2058 Possible Bootlace 060°
2059 Bootlace 155°
2101 Weapons tight
2102 Air yellow
2120 Assume state 1
2126 Assume state 2

San Carlos Water

It's been a funny old day. Went to the other side of the water to SIR LANCELOT to pick up some 7.62 ammo for the LMG’s. SIR LANCELOT still has her bomb in the accommodation we had a look at it and left there was Me, L/S Quate, Sea Beven, A/B Cable. We got half way back to the ship when the weather closed down, couldn't see a thing, nearly hit FEARLESS, then got into a right mess - some rotten bastard dropped bombs on us as a fine state, seaboat full of ammo but no guns, get back to the ship and told to piss off by the OOW as there is an air raid on, not that we had not noticed, oh no!. So we go ashore with the Royal Marines, have a look at the wounded in the Red and Green Life Machine, have big eats then return to the ship after 6 hours. We were well looked after and even a tot (or two) was enjoyed.

The next boat going in shore was to fill sand bags. Just as they reached the beach there was an air raid and the boys were told to jump into a trench for safety which they did without hesitation. Shame it was the SHIT TRENCH, sorry George.

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