Saturday 26 May 2012

The Falklands War - May 26th 1982

00:00:00: The CVBG withdraws to its original station 200nm north of the Falklands Islands.

06:00:00: The Bristol Group joins the Task Force. HMS Bristol relieves HMS Hermes as the Task Force flagship. And with the arrival of HMS Cardiff, the damaged HMS Glasgow is ordered to return home.

07:00:00: HMS Glamorgan returns to the CVBG and HMS Plymouth sails back to the safety of San Carlos Water.

08:00:00: Two Harrier GR.3s attack Stanley and two more attack Goose Green. All use 1000lb bombs.

19:00:00: HMS Broadsword leaves San Carlos Water together with Sir Geraint and Europic Ferry, and head north to join up with the CVBG.

20:00:00: Elk and Tidepool head for San Carlos Water escorted by HMS Ambuscade

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