Saturday 26 May 2012

Falklands War - May 26th 1982 War Diary of Crew member of HMS Yarmouth

26th May
1045 Action stations
1222 Air red, Round Table 300°
1228 Threat closing from the North West, from CAP
1234 Round Table 210°
1239 Air yellow
1325 Air red
1332 Weapons tight
1351 Air yellow, weapons tight all round
1411 Air red, flash bogies closing 230° - 30 miles
1414 Bogies could be 8 miles away now low
1421 Air yellow
1612 Heads up West 165° - 5 miles
1625 Possible air raid developing from Stanley, air red
1659 Possible aircraft 300°
1707 Contacts 264° not CAP 40 miles
1709 Now 250° - 20 miles strength 2
1710 Gone low 230° - 9 miles
1711 Teapot 314° Mirages
1714 Another two 213° - 15 miles
1716 Another two 250° - 50 miles closing strength 2
1724 Flash unknown pinnacle 270
1731 Teapot 320° Mirage V classified Blue Fox - CAP
1748 Air yellow
2053 Air white
2107 Assume state 2

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