Friday 25 May 2012

Falklands War - May 25th 1982

00:00:00: Today is the Argentine National Day, and fierce attacks are expected. The CVBG starts moving to within 60nm of the islands to cover Atlantic Conveyor's passage to San Carlos the coming night and allowing Sea Harriers to stay longer on CAP (Combat Air Patrol) over the beachhead.

01:00:00: HMS Coventry and HMS Broadsword move their station to about 10nm north of Pebble Island.

08:00:00: Three Harrier GR.3s attack the airfield at Stanley with cluster bombs. Three more Sea Harriers attack the Douglas settlement with cluster bombs to destroy the Argentine helicopters based there.

18:00:00: Escorted by HMS Ambuscade, Europic Ferry leaves the CVBG and sails to San Carlos to complete the unloading of men and equipment.

20:00:00: HMS Broadsword leaves her station heading for San Carlos Water.

21:00:00: HMS Glamorgan returns to the gun-line off Stanley and bombards targets in the area. HMS Plymouth sails towards Fox Bay to shell the Argentine garrison there.

22:00:00: With the arrival of Europic Ferry and HMS Ambuscade, Resource leaves San Carlos Water and is escorted back to the CVBG. By now, and estimated 32,000 tons of ammunition and stores have been stockpiled on the Falklands Islands.

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