
Friday 25 May 2012

Falklands’ service to honour British Forces who lost their lives when landing for the recovery of the Islands

The Falkland Islands held a commemorative service to the memory of those who lost their lives thirty years ago when British Forces landed in the Islands for the final push against the occupying Argentine forces.

The 21st of May 1982 marked the start of the land campaign to retake the Falkland Islands.

More than 200 Islanders and members of the British Forces South Atlantic gathered at San Carlos in the Falkland Islands sound on Monday 21st May 2012 for the service that marked a crucial day for the liberation of the Islands.

Wreaths were laid at the event by the Deputy Governor of the Falkland Islands, Mr Rick Nye, Mrs Sharon Halford, Member of the Falklands Legislative Assembly and by the Commander British Forces South Atlantic Islands, Brigadier Bill Aldridge.

HMS Clyde was at anchor off the British cemetery next to Blue Beach and a service was conducted by chaplains who gave thanks for the courage and example shown by those involved as they landed on Blue and Red Beach under enemy fire.

The Falkland Islands Padre read “We are gathered here to remember those who gave their lives at sea, on land or in the air during the Falklands War,” and continued “Inspired by their example, let us resolve to live our lives worthy of their sacrifice.”

The Act of Remembrance was read out and Last Post played to silence over San Carlos Waters. The commemoration ended with the National Anthem being sung with enthusiasm by all present, according to an official release from the Falklands government.

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