
Thursday 24 May 2012

Falklands’ lawmaker accuses Argentina of “indiscriminate and uncontrolled” fishing

A member of the Falkland Islands elected Legislative Assembly criticized Argentina for “indiscriminate and uncontrolled” fishing and regretted the lack of cooperation in the conservation of South Atlantic fisheries.

MLA Cheek “we have achieved sustainability in those fisheries largely contained in our zone” 

Speaking on Wednesday at the Falklands government budget session prior to the speech from the Acting Financial Secretary, MLA Jan Cheek said she well remembered the start of the Falklands fishing industry 25 years ago.

“The fact that 25 years on it is still working well is proof that we have achieved sustainability at least in those fisheries that are largely contained in our zone, for example the loligo squid industry“, indicated MLA Cheek.

She went on to say, ”others, as we know, are subject to indiscriminate and uncontrolled fishing both on the high seas and in the Argentine controlled areas close to our zone. The stark contrast between loligo which we can control in our zone and the blue whiting stock emphasises yet again the need for a regional grouping to cooperate on sustainable fishing and conservation of stocks, not just for the Falklands, not just for other countries in the area but for the world“.

The Falkland Island Government's recently announced that the £14million budget surplus was largely made up of income from the sale of fishing licences.

Further on in the speech MLA Cheek commented: ”It is a matter of disappointment to us that Argentina that regained democracy as a result of failing to annexe the Falkland Islands still does not recognise our democracy and right to self determination.“

Speaking of promoting the interests of the Falklands she said: ”We don’t have to spin we don’t have to lie, the truth is there for all to see but we cannot relax that effort as long as we have a neighbour (Argentina) with colonial ambitions”. (Penguin News)

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