Wednesday 30 May 2012

EASY TARGET FOR NATO - Iran successfully repairs & launches super-heavy Tareq submarine

According to navy officials the repair process has been carried out all by Iranian specialists with no help from the producing country, Russia.

Iranian Navy Commander Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said there are few countries in the world, which are capable of repairing submarines fundamentally.

"The country of origin had failed to deliver plans of the submarine's parts and was insisting to repair the sub in its own basins. However, the Iranian Navy has now developed the plans anew and has acquired a much significant expertise in the overhaul of the kilo-class submarines. With such a success Iran is among a handful of countries which can overhaul such submarines” ."

The 3,200-ton sub, called Tareq, has taken over 1.6 million person-hours to get repaired and all parts and expertise used in the overhaul of this super project have been domestic.

Anti-radar systems, wings, pneumatic systems, compressed air systems, pumps and sensors, telecommunication systems, propelling systems, and engine parts were among the parts repaired in the project all by Iranian engineers. This shows that Iran can achieve its goals by all means.

Over 200 types of expertise have been applied to repair the sub. In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in the defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in essential military equipment and systems.

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