Monday 28 May 2012

Boudou thanks Bolivia for support in Malvinas sovereignty claim

While in an official visit to Bolivia, Vice-President Amado Boudou thanked the neighbouring country for the support it gave Argentina in its sovereignty claim of the Malvinas Islands. Present during the ceremony were ten former veterans of the 1982 war.

“I would very much like to thank the Bolivian government and people for their support in our sovereignty claim,” said Boudou in a ceremony held in Cochabamba, some 400 kilometres east of La Paz.

Also present in the ceremony were Bolivian president Evo Morales, his vice-president Álvaro García and high ranking political and military officials.

Boudou was invited on behalf of the Argentine people to attend a ceremony that celebrates the 200th anniversary of a war led by a group of women who fought against the Spanish crown.

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