Wednesday 25 January 2012

IRAN - Daily Crap from an Insane Murderous Iranian Leadership - Journalist details UK war on democracy

As Britain builds up its warlike rhetoric on Iran, journalist and documentary filmmaker, John Pilger, sheds more light on the long history of the UK's war on democracy and its crimes against humanity.

While Britain's Defense Secretary Philip Hammond and Foreign Minister William Hague continue to threaten the Iranian nation with military threats, Pilger's description of Britain's 'ruthless nature … behind its democratic facade' receives scant attention from the mainstream media.

Hammond has threatened the Iranian nation with Britain's 'contingent capability to' increase its military presence in the Persian Gulf. Furthermore, Hague announced that the newly imposed EU sanctions on Iran were not an 'end in themselves,' but a 'means to an end.'

The British officials' saber-rattling and war rhetoric on Iran comes as their crimes against humanity have been immersed 'in an ethical bath' and they continue to demonize Iran through their propaganda campaigns using mainstream media.

Britain and the US dominance of resource-rich regions in the world and western terrorism remain a taboo in the mainstream media as people are not willing to lend an ear to alternative voices.

Article 7 of the statute of the International Criminal Court clearly states that the 'deportation or forcible transfer of population' is an instance of crimes against humanity.

Pilger launches a scathing attack on Britain and the US war on democracy instantiated in the eviction of the inhabitants of the Chagos archipelago in the early 1970s and the subsequent military attacks from Diego Garcia, the largest of the Chagos Islands.

Under the rule of the Labor Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Britain gave the green light to the US so that the British colony could be 'swept' and 'sanitized' of 2,500 islanders for the US to build a military base. The base was used to launch wars on Afghanistan and Iraq.

Furthermore, Pilger reveals that Britain has been the US accomplice in almost all cases listed by the American historian William Blum including the overthrow of 'more than 50 governments, most of them democratically-elected,' gross interference 'in democratic elections in at least 30 countries,' and dropping 'bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.'

Nevertheless, all these atrocities go unpunished and, even worse, unnoticed as they remain unmentionable being a taboo subject in the western media.
What Pilger terms 'western terrorism,' whose numerous victims are Muslims, gets effectively no attention from the masses as they are deluded into considering it as 'war on terrorism.'

The media hype over Iran's nuclear program is another instance of lies spread by the mainstream media whose proprietors continue to immerse them 'in an ethical bath.'

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